الأربعاء، 12 يونيو 2013

Diamond - Universally Accepted Birthstone For April

By Linda Robles


Birthstones are official gemstones specified for specific zodiac signs or months of the year. Each birthstone has got unique properties (such as devotion, love, respect or wisdom) related to it and bring good luck, wonderful opportunities or offer protection, cleverness and power for the bearer. Depending on the market value of those stones, the most popular ones are sold at jewelry shops, parlors or gem stores whereas the valuable ones are available at auction sites and mines. The definitions and astrological value linked with each stone has been described in a number of famous tales, myths and spiritual scriptures. This article consists of some interesting facts regarding diamond, which is the traditional April birthstone.

According to astrology, folks born on the days falling within March 21st to April 19th possess Aries as his or her birth sign and people who have their birthdays inside the April 20th to May 20th are Taurus. Diamond is used on Aries bearers whereas emerald is the official birthstone for Taurus. Although owners may use opal, topaz, sapphires, jasper or bloodstone as well however diamond is official birthstone for April. Diamond, being the priciest and hardest of all stones is said to provide pleasure, wealth and security to the wearers.

Diamond As Gem stone:

Diamond-the hardest of all gems will come in number of carats, cuts and colors like purple, pink, white, black, green, orange, red, yellow and blue. The difference in its shades is a result of contaminants contained in it. The stone is from kimberlite and has traces of nitrogen, boron and majority of carbon contained in it. Australia, Brazil, Zaire, Ghana, Usa and Russia are chief exporters of diamonds in world.

Historical past:

The historical accounts, folklores and myths coming from different corners of the world, acknowledge diamond as the April birthstone because it has immense astrological power and magical properties related to it. Encarta mentions the use of diamond in Hindu culture, a bit of information obtained from Sanskrit scriptures dating back to 400BC. The cutting and polishing of Diamond was a established practice in Indian subcontinent in addition to Venice, ever since early 1330s. Business of Diamond began at the beginning of 15th century. Greeks and European countries were main participants in this trade.


Venus, the second planet of the solar system, is the ruling deity of this stone, also is synonymous with human sentiments, love and desires. This may be a reason why this stone is exchanged as gifts and ornaments on important occasions like anniversaries, engagements, proposals as well as wedding ceremonies. To get rid of the distress the result of a malefic Venus, astrologers recommend April born men and women to use the aforementioned Aries birthstone. The gem grants strength for defeating the pain endowed by Venus and blesses the wearers with joy, love, materialistic comforts, entertainment, beauty, expensive vehicles, fortune, wealth, entertainment, sexual satisfaction, passion and enjoyment.

As the Eastern cultures think about this April birth stone, synonymous with death and mourning, unlike it, the Western civilizations use white diamond rings since it represents eternity, strength, peace and purity of a wedding bond. The different shades of the stone are synonymous with various benefits; for example, white diamonds (which are an inclusion of all known colors) stand for innocence, veneration, modesty and youth. The glow of this stone brings abundance and clarity of thoughts.

White is the officially known April birthstone color hence, bright white diamonds are utilized to bring strength, clarity, balance and positivity at personal levels. Using diamonds with amethyst will amplify its qualities. The Greeks thought to be this stone to be crystallized divine tears or quantum of heavenly energies and used it for therapeutic purposes like treating problems associated with pituitary gland, brain and genitals. The stone is used to cure infertility, low sperm count, sexual illnesses, insufficient libido, constipation, troubled bowel movements, vision troubles, malfunctioning kidneys, cough along with other petty gastric problems. For healing purposes, diamond jewelry should be heated up by rubbing between your palms. Thereafter, it ought to be carried to bed.

The jewel was said to be bits of fallen stars and thus, this April birth symbol was used for casting spells and executing acts of sorcery. The gemstone was come to the battlefields by ancient Roman kings, as a symbol of courage and power. It had been thought to defend against phantoms, enemies, devils and toxins.

Professionals of the fields of business, direction, film distribution, film production, writing, painting, dancing, acting, designing, trade of hi-tech vehicles, amusement, fragrance, hotel management, ornament dealing, sweet producing, silk or cotton textile, dairy, sugar and whole grains must use this stone to boost their profits and to achieve business success.

Other Options:

Because diamond is very expensive, other cheaper alternatives can be used as Aries or Taurus birthstone. When Taurus bearers may use Sapphires and opals, Aries born folks can use Bloodstones and Jaspers too. Italian, Hebrew, Roman, Russian and Arabic civilizations promote using topaz as a Talismanic gemstone for April born people.

One must be careful in choosing his gemstone because the color of their stones have a huge affect on their lives. Red colored chalcedony and jasper enhances passion, sex and courage whereas other shades of red are a symbol of health, rage, violence, adore, power, energy, death and birth. Individuals, who're prepared to obtain balance, tranquility, balance, fortune along with a peaceful night's sleep must use topaz, blue diamond or sapphire because the color blue stands for all the aforementioned qualities. Thus, one has to consider his lucky color to be able to obtain optimum benefits from his birthstone.

The Final Word:

Despite the availability of cheaper alternatives all over the market, the stunning diamonds are a common sight award ceremonies, engagement venues and will continue to enjoy immense reputation amongst different age groups, due to their unique shine, color and splendor.

Check out our website if you wish to read more info on Taurus birthstone.

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