الأربعاء، 27 مارس 2013

Recieve Gold at Half Price

By Josh McFardy

TV commercials and newspaper ads across the nation carry messages soliciting "Cash For Gold." The unsuspecting public doesn't realize that those marketing themselves are offering rock bottom wholesale prices instead of spot market price for the gold or precious metals. When one looks under the covers, they'll find out that they only pay forty percent.

the wise investor would like to enjoy the freedom to buy gold with absolute confidence of its value but buying at half price. It's a simple matter to advertise on CraigsList and a number of internet sites to find potential sellers. It is easy to acquire information with a successive steps for determining true value.

In order to test the authenticity of gold or silver, a gram scale and acid test kit costs less than $100. That and a professional how-to book, and you're in business. The most important thing is having the ability to test with accuracy and knowing your prices.

Almost all eyes are aware of the price of gold nowadays and many believe it is sure to skyrocket. Trillions of dollars of debt are owed by the governments around the world. Financial experts maintain that if interest percentages increase to 7%, interest payments on the American debt will reach 135 percent of GDP which is catastrophic. Others extrapolate a much more higher bite into GDP. Until government takes a responsible role in lowering debt and less control in regulating every aspect of human life, increased taxes and inflation will be a part of ordinary life.

If gold prices skyrocket, as anticipated, it might even act as a backup to any new currency. Prudent people view that possibility and will want to get ahead of the curve by buying gold and precious metals at a reasonable price as part of their financial survival strategy.

Many people are selling their gold in order to pay their living expenses. Some are struggling to keep jobs, many others are getting laid off. These are strong reasons to downsize and even sell expensive jewelry. For many, cash is needed immediately. Raising cash is strong on many minds and many possessions will be sold or bartered in order to keep themselves afloat.

Few know the location, address and protocol to get 95% of spot price market value for gold, silver and precious metals that professional jewelry and gold buyers use to sell their inventory. The people selling their jewelry want an immediate deal, not sit around and wait or go to the library and do days of research. Providing a service that acts a broker or middleman to the public is a valuable service. This kind of business where profit margins are secure and can be run as a small business may be of interest to many.

Information marketing companies sell this kind of information for hundreds of dollars and hundreds of people pay a lot of money for that information. Why? This is not a difficult nut to crack to get into this special business of correctly estimating the price of jewelry, buying it wholesale and selling it at top market prices.

Some will begin this venture with a tell-all guidebook: Gold Buyers Handbook. This fantastic resource has opened to doors wide to anybody at all who could find useful a professional guidebook to negotiate as a well-qualified pro. Rarely does one unearth so much usable information in one place. The writer of this definitive work didn't write it to gather dust on your shelf, but to try out and do these tests for yourself so you they can become real in your life. This is a useful book.

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