الثلاثاء، 12 مارس 2013

Are You Planning To Gift A January Birth Symbol To Any Friends?

By Nikki Conner

The Jewelers of america Association in 1912, officially announced 12 gemstones, each one specified for a particular zodiac pertaining to different months of the year. Ancient mystics felt that certain gemstones have unique metaphysical qualities which complemented specific astrology signs therefore, principles of historic mysticism played a major part in determining a gemstone to several birth months. Speaking in scientific terms, each stone is comprised of minerals in definite proportion which symbolize specific virtues.

The below report is about information on January birthstone. However, let us overview a brief history of birthstones first.

Origin of Birthstones:

As stated in the Old Testament of the holy bible, ancient scholars believed that the custom of using birthstones goes back to couple of centuries and the idea was taken from Aaron's breastplate which carried 12 gemstones of different colors. The ancient Tibetan and Indian civilizations believed that a birthstone pertaining to a particular sign influences the power and potential of the wearer. Thus each sign was signified with a gemstone.

Capricorns are mature and wise while Aquarians are idealist, rebellious, witty and inventive so these rocks suit them the best.

Garnet- The Chief January Birth Stone:

January born folks are either Aquarians or Capricorns. If you're looking for a traditional January birthstone then Garnet is the greatest choice for you.

Astronomically, Garnet is best suited for Aquarians and also the stone derives its label from Latin word "granatum" meaning grain (because the stone appears somewhat like pomegranate seeds). The stone is available in several shades ranging from reddish colored brown to rich purple, blood red, wine and deep brown shades. Almandine or red colored garnets are the most sought birthstones. Clear and hard Almandine is a perfect birthstone for January.

The stone is exported from Norway, Alaska, India and Germany. It is stated to enhance blood circulation, protects traveler from danger coming together with their ways, helps make the wearer richer and promote good health. The stone is synonymous with love, earnestness, hope, friendship, victory and loyalty. In earlier times, soldiers carried this stone to the battleground in order to win the battle and to prevent injuries.

Additionally, garnet bullets were used for fighting wars in the middle East. The stone being hard, its projectile could penetrate deep and cause more damage than the regular bullets. Also, garnet rings are worn to prevent fever, poisons, allergies and inflammations.

If the January birthstone color, which is red, doesn't suit you or regardless if you are looking for something unique in this budget range, there are more choices for the stone.

List Of Some other Birthstones:

1) Amethyst: Amethyst is an Aquarius birthstone intended for people born in later part of January. It comes in various shades such as reddish purple, purple and pale lilac. The stone prevents addiction, alcoholism and promotes inner strength, peace and truthfulness. It is given the tag of "Nature's tranquilizer" because of its very sharp healing attributes and because they focus on central nervous system. Amethyst made rings provide stability, psychological strength, vigor and relieve an individual from serious pain.

2) Hyacinth: Russian cultures promote hyacinth to the month of January. You might not buy it by its name because it is referred to as yellow Zircon in colloquial terms. It was named so for the color which looked like the flower hyacinthus. Hyacinth is said to prevent nightmares, improve digestion, increase appetite, make a person successful, cures melancholy, offers energy and brings foresight. It comes in shades of rusty brown, yellowish and orange.

3) Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli is known as a Capricorn birthstone which will come in a rich blue color, marked by white, yellow or brown lines, deep and delightful in texture. This was a well known stone in Egyptian and Greek cultures. This opaque blue stone was excavated from Egyptian burial sites. The stone was said to balance chakras, promote fast healing and supply after-birth protection. It had been embedded in gold accessories. It's mined from Chile, United States, Russia and Italy.

4) Emerald: Lastly, the emeralds were used as mystical birthstone according to the Tibetan culture. The stone was favorite possession of Cleopatra because the stone promoted good memory, intelligence, psychic abilities and beauty. The popular traditional figures like Charlemagne and Alexander the great used the stone while directing their troops. It's available in blue green to yellow green and bedazzling green shades. The stone was initially discovered in Ethiopia and is now exported from Russia, Australia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

How To Use These Gemstones As Gifts:

If you're planning to gift a gemstone to one of your friends, they come embedded with January birth symbol or colors and have beautiful items designed out of them.

You can get designer watches along with gemstones set in straps or at the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th numbers within the dial. If you're fond of interior decoration, you can buy bookend, plaque collectible, paintings, crystal figurines and sculptures for the room. Men can purchase cufflinks, gold clubs, guitars, tie tacks along with other such decorative items.

There are plenty of available options for women. Fashion jewelry, broaches, pendants, hair clips, amulets, bracelets, rings, nose pins, dresses and anklets may carry garnets and emeralds. Both the stones are reasonably priced to get them engrave in beautiful pieces of jewelry. It is quite affordable. The aforementioned stones can be used in the form of star, heart, flowers, dolphins, butterflies, dragonflies, tear drops, hello kitty face, moon, sun and stars. You can get dainty jewelry pieces made out of it. These gemstones could be added for customized orders as well so you've the choice of buying both premade and personalized items.

How To Purchase Gemstones:

You can get all these January birthstones at jewelers, stone dealers, antique stores, websites and auction places. However, ensure that you purchase a genuine product consider getting the stone analyzed and weighed before you buy them. Also, look for the latest price quotes so that you don't get fooled by the shopkeepers.

So now that you're acquainted with all the January birth stones, you can go ahead, find one that meets your personality in the best possible manner and buy them. However, it is advisable to seek advice from an astrologer if you want detailed information about January birthstone color.

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