الخميس، 14 مارس 2013

A Summarized Discussion On Wildlife Jewelry

By Dolores Harrison

The current trade in wildlife jewelry has been tagged as a potential contributor to the extinction of endangered species. Next time you are on a tour and you come across a beautiful souvenir, find out if its export is allowable by local authorities. It may happen that some of your prized souvenirs may be impounded at the customs office if you lack legal permits granting you a right to export the item.

A body known as the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species was formed for the purpose of regulating this sector to avoid extinction of endangered species. Nevertheless, the body mainly monitors cross border trade and may thus not govern localized sales. The body has a no sale list referred to as annex A outlining restricted species.

Sometimes, the customs could slacken their knots if they are led to believe that you do not intend to resell a souvenir for profit. The customs people may pass an item if you convince them that it is for personal use and not for resale. In states where conditions are relaxed, you may obtain legal permits as long as you have the right contacts and are willing to pay up.

Some of the controlled products include coral and alligator or crocodile products. A wood carving made from an endangered species will most likely be impounded by the customs department as you obtain clearance. Live specimens are a big risk whether they are parrots, scorpions or reptiles so it is advisable to avoid them altogether.

There is a well developed cartel of individuals engaged in illegal sale of wildlife across the globe. The men doing the actual poaching in diverse national parks eventually end up with the smallest share of the retail price in the black market. The profits accruing from these activities are comparable to those associated with drug trafficking.

Globally, Asia has been identified as the continent in which the largest sales of wildlife jewelry are made. Chinese have traditionally used imported animals for their cuisine and heritage curative concoctions. Japanese are notorious for importing reptile products from turtles and crocodiles.

The Americas are known to import tones of bush meat from Africa every once in a while. Native species such as polar bears and otters are widely hunted for sport and for products to be used in making fashion accessories. African species are facing extinction in a bid to fulfill the needs of wealthy buyers located in distributed locations on the globe.

Any country intent on saving its tourism sector will invest in heavy patrols of its game reserves to dissuade the ever growing number of poachers. Many wardens are under the instruction to shoot to kill if they encounter poachers during routine patrol. Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to provide round the clock surveillance due to the vastness of African landscapes. Despite these dedicated efforts, some animals still get killed and strapped of their body parts for purposes of making wildlife jewelry.cross border transportation of game products has also been linked with the spread of communicable livestock diseases in the target destination.

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