الجمعة، 15 أغسطس 2014

Trendy Sideways Crosses Are Available In Jewelry Design New Jersey Stores

By Dora Reed

Accessorizing with beautiful jewelry not only makes your appearance pop, but can also affect your mood. The jewelry design New Jersey markets offer these days are various. There are tradition and antique styles, to trendy and modern ones. Recently, the sideways cross has become quite popular.

The sideways cross design has become quite popular in Mahwah NJ these days. It caught like wildfire after several celebrities wore it to public events. Now, it's more of a fashion accessory than a religious statement. The question here is whether this cross has the traditional religious connotation, or if it has a completely different meaning. You might want to listen and read up on all the various ideas that developed after this design became popular to learn about it further.

Traditional crosses have been in the jewelry market for a while, but this sideways version has emerged in fairly recent times. It became popular as popular celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Jennifer Lopez, etc. Wore them to look trendy and cool. This caused people to buy those more to follow the trend rather than to promote religion. Therefore, religious people find it hard to determine the symbolism behind it.

The symbolism behind the cross seems to be contrived of what you yourself want it to represent. There are various sources that provide diverse meanings behind the sideways cross as well. It seems there are many interpretations surrounding it, especially those who pinpoint on the religious connotations of the cross.

As you search, you'll find that there are endless amounts of interpretations on this cross. You'll also see that there are many common elements among them, with both positive and negative connotations. Some believe it represents Christian beliefs, while others say it associates with Satan.

A common interpretation of this design is the image of Jesus carrying the cross. In the bible, Christ holds the slanted cross sideways, not upright. This symbolism helps believers' remember all the pain, sacrifice, and humiliation that the savior endured to save the sinners from eternal damnation. These interpreters wear these necklaces and bracelets to constantly feel the presence of God, and to try and spend their daily lives being reminded of Christ.

Besides the people who appreciate the positive symbolism of the cross, there are many that claim it is a completely negative and offensive representation. They believe the cross does not represent Christ, but rather rebukes the religious belief. Mathew 16:24-26 of the bible states that all should take up the cross and follow Christ. Interpreters in this regard believe that the sideways cross represents people placing the cross down rather than up. This might insinuate that the wearer of this necklace or bracelet is rebelling against Christ completely.

Debating over the meanings might be a waste of time. The cross might just be a fashion statement and nothing else. Keep in mind that whatever the original designer meant it to represent, you the wear will have the only power to have your cross represent what you want it to. You can have it be a reflection of your beliefs, or you can just wear it to give your appearance an accent.

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