الخميس، 28 فبراير 2013

December Birthstone - Listing of Gems That Enable You To Get Luck

By Perez James

About Gemstones:

All months have particular gemstones designated for them. These precious stones fall under these categories -- mystical, ayurvedic, traditional and contemporary. The use pattern, importance and origin of a specific stone differs from one country to a different. A few months have multiple birthstones for them although some others have specified color patterns. Sometimes, the birthstones meant for a particular month aren't similar in terms of color.

This short article consists of information on December birth symbol and stones.

The Month Of December & Its Associated Stones:

The month of December is symbolic of celebrations, new beginnings, gift exchanging and getting. If you are among those lucky folks who were born in this month, you will get double gifts due to Christmas and New Year. People born in December are either Sagittarians (November 23rd to December 21st) or Capricorns (December 22 to January 20). Those of you, who're trying to find a perfect birthday gift for their loved ones can opt for a sparkling and stylish December birthstone. These precious stones could be incorporated in earrings, necklaces, rings and other jewelry pieces. However, finding suitable birthstone for December can be a little tricky since many of them make their means by this list.

This month has several stones linked to it namely, turquoise, blue topaz, tanzanite, lapis, zircon, ruby, onyx and chrysoprase. They might be of modern, ancient or conventional types.

Important Stones & Their Features:

1) Tanzanite:

This can be a contemporary gemstone that was added in the list by American jewelers in 2002. Its history dates back to mid 1960s when the stone is discovered in Merelanic Hills of Arusha, Tanzania, East Africa. The stone is in a commercial sense, ceremoniously, culturally and religiously important. It's just like sapphire when it comes to color, texture and effects nonetheless it is quite soft and must be handled carefully. Don't subject it to extreme temperatures, knocks, heat, pressure and acids.

2) Topaz:

The term Topaz has its root in Sanskrit legends and translates as fire in English. Astrologers think that fire within topaz is muted, cool and pacific. It is synonymous with nowhere sky or solid ice. Topaz is one of the heaviest stones ever and denotes loyalty, prosperity and truth. Greek legends declare that the birthstone protects the person from sudden death, sufferings or misfortune while theories of mysticism believe it to offer an appetizing and styptic effect towards the wearer. People usually put it on to amplify their charms, magnificence and fertility.

3) Turquoise:

This traditional December birthstone was first mined in 3000 B.C., in Sinai of Egypt. The birthstone was an important part of Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Sumerian civilization thus, it holds great traditional significance. This stone was used by most recent VIPs, American natives, Egyptian pharaohs and royal personalities like Princess Cleopatra. It was used as jewelries or embedded to create different possessions. The stone signifies love, fortune, social safety, affluence and well being. History of various nations says its usage during war times. Folks wore them to try to avoid evil, soldiers used it to prevent sudden death during a war and kids used them to prevent bad dreams or nightmares because the stone promotes a sound sleep. Earlier, it had been considered valuable and rare but, discovery of new mines in Mexico, China and Australia have made it much affordable. It makes an attractive gift for a couple that's celebrating their first or fifth wedding anniversary.

4) Sapphire:

Sapphire is to lucky gemstone for Sagittarians. Folklores express that the stone promotes mental peace and spiritual enlightenment in its surroundings. It is mined at Africa, Brazil, Australia, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma and Ceylon. Sapphire reduces rheumatism, depression, colic and mental ailments. It's available in various colored forms and ranks second in the listing of hardest mineral substances. The most striking feature is that the stone changes its colors as light falls on it at different angles. Star shaped sapphires are exquisite, rare and expensive. They make exceptional gifts for 25th and 50th wedding anniversaries and birthdays.

5) Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli forms a significant traditional December birth stone. It was initially found and mined approximately 6000 years ago at Ur in Afghanistan. Middle Eastern countries trust it to possess holy and magical forces. Hence, it had been amongst the very first rare and expensive gemstones to be used ever. Later on, it had been found in Rome, Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia. Alexander The Great was mystified by its power and wonder so he always held the stone with him through is explorations and expeditions. Lapis Lazuli is symbolic of emotional sentiments, friendship, truth and authenticity. It had been utilized by wearers for building harmonious associations. However, as commercial produces started developing its synthetic varieties, the stone lost its historical importance and beauty.

6) Zircon:

The word Zircon originates from "Zargun" in Persian language which translates as "of golden color" in English. It is a famous stone whose history goes back to tribes of Ephraim, Aaron's breastplate and Hindu Vedic times. Hindus believed that it is a gift of Kalpa Tree. It was also thought to share a place in the foundation of 12 gates to New Jerusalem, as stated in the Book of Revelation. The stone was constantly used since 2,000 years and several new multi-colored varieties have been discovered now. Blue zircon represents honor, wisdom and brings success and success to the wearer. Don't be fooled by its size or weight since it is vulnerable to chipping and abrasions. Therefore, wearers should order a larger sized stone for putting on. Blue Zircon is readily available in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Cambodia.

Based on conventional legends, blue zircon is the best suited Sagittarius birthstone while Hindu mythologies and modern astrology suggest blue topaz as their primitive choice.

Coming to Capricorn birthstone, beryl, sapphire, garnet, amethyst and agate are best suitable birthstones for January born folks. Red color is persistent for January birthstones while blue is the primary December birthstone color.

If you wish to obtain more info on December birthstone, you can consult an astrologer or check on-line sites.

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